“Jesus And Me” also known as J.A.M. refers to building a relationship with Christ, even as a child. We have a thriving Children’s Ministry that is dedicated to building up key principles in our children such as faith, respect, serving our church and community, who God is to me, family matters, and as well as healthy living, exercise, positive behavior, the importance of education, various arts-n-crafts activities, field trips, and community service to help other children and families in need.
We at HHCOR believe that we must “Shock the Culture” in order to improve the lives of today’s youth and young adults. Just like at your local pool, when the maintenance staff must “shock the pool” with necessary chemicals in order for the water to have the proper PH level for safe swimming, we believe that today’s Youth & young adults need to be “shocked” with the word of God and know God’s plan for their lives. We meet weekly and have open, transparent small-group discussions in a safe space for young people to express themselves and to learn what the word of God’s says regarding their lives. We also believe in having fun through social activities, fellowships, sports, games, and serving in our communities. We realize that our young people are flooded with images from social media that sells a dream that they will never be able to afford. Current trends in society tend to influence our youth to make bad decisions that will affect them long term.
Our youth ministry is aggressive in its approach to save young lives at all costs. No soul left behind! We believe that young people are not just the next generation, but they are the church of TODAY. What they do, and the decisions that they make, affects their lives right now. We are strategic about our plan to save our youth and reach other youth who might not have the knowledge to make good decisions and to “shock” the current culture of defeat. We know that through Christ we are more than conquerors and that in the end, we WIN!
This is a great ministry that celebrates the F-word, FAMILY. So many times, ministries focus on just the married people and what takes to help couples stay love with each other and the lord. Well here at HHCOR, we focus on God’s word and love for the entire family. We deal with the real issues and show you how to love one another as Christ loved us, and what his word says on everything that our families face. We host seminars, sponsor forums, hold classes, travel, host potluck, game nights, and whatever else that it takes to incorporate the word of God, show the love of God, foster positive family relationships, deal with family issues and overcome them. We CELEBRATE the victory afterwards, through quarterly fellowships, as well as holiday and special event-based fellowship that incorporate positive connections between our church and community.
It takes a man who has overcome and is now victorious, to reach another man and help him to reach new levels in Christ. Our Men’s Ministry has a simple approach: each man, reach a man. Through monthly small-group study sessions, the Men of HHCOR come together for an hour of prayer, bible-study, spiritual reflection, Q&A, and of course, FELLOWSHIP. This keeps our hearts and minds focused on Christ. We share our testimonies, and gain support in areas needed, as we all work in-line with our Pastor’s vision to lead our families and serve our congregation with integrity, and to make a positive impact on our local community.
Sisterhood, friendship, Support, positive role-models are just a few words that describe the benefit of having a thriving Women’s Ministry. God has given HHCOR a unique and refreshing mix of today’s Christian Women. A wealth of life-experience, Christian as well as formal education, Kingdom Service, and Career Expertise propel the WOW Ministry to reach any woman at her level. Quarterly WOW Meetings, Health Initiatives, Monthly WOW Fellowships, Secret Sister Blessing Exchange, as well as assigned small groups themed after influential women in the bible to keep each woman connected and informed. There is no stopping the W.O.W. Ministry at HHCOR.
Serving God can be expressed in many ways. We at HHCOR believe that God-given talent and giftings can be cultivated and used for the glory of the lord. Worship Arts is a vital component to the Worship Services held at HHCOR. We currently operate in the areas of Vocal Music: HAVEN- Praise and Worship Team, Voices of Refuge (VOR) Main Church Choir, All God’s Children- Children’s Community Choir, and Saints in Praise Mass Choir- For seasonal and special ministry events. God has also expanded our ministry to spread “THE GOOD NEWS” (The Gospel) through other formats such as FLOW- Haven House Praise Dance & Mime Ministry, The HHCOR News Guild- Church Announcements, Media Arts, Graphic Arts Design, just to name a few.
We believe that is it always better to give than receive. Giving is one of the key principles of an effective ministry. At HHCOR, The Helping Hands Ministry strives to help meet the basic needs of those inside and outside of our ministry. We lend a “helping hand” through programs such as quarterly drop-offs of Bottled Water & Juice to the local Firehouses in our community, Holiday Food Baskets to given free-of-charge to families in our church and communities, Gloves Of Love- Coat, Hat, and Glove Drives for local students, as well as hardship assistance to families during the times of loss, fire, flood, and displacement from homes due to weather and other natural catastrophes.
More than just the being the not married group, HHCOR Singles are committed to serving in the kingdom and being active in our everyday lives. We reach success in Christ through involvement. We serve in other ministries in our local assembly, train and support kingdom principals through quarterly classes and Singles Seminars. Ultimately our goal is to support one another through our walk with Christ. We also believe in having fun through fellowship, social activities, and participating in community service projects.

Am I my brother’s keeper? Of course, I am. Whether it’s a phone call, a video-chat, or an email with an encouraging scripture to meditate on for the week. The Men of Valor Men’s Ministry at HHCOR, has definitely helped me through this journey of life. My fellow brothers in Christ have always made me feel connected and never alone.
-Marlyn Hunter

Ministries have a powerful purpose: to bring people together. Building and growing relationships through fellowship is one of the traits we love best about Haven House. No matter who you are, there is a place for you in the Haven House family. Find out where you belong today.